Celebrating 40 Years

Celebrating 40 Years: 40 Years of Memories

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40 Years of Memories

centre:mk has brought the community of Milton Keynes together in many ways over the years; from friendships made at first Saturday jobs to lifelong careers that started in the centre across everything from retail to management and guest services.

Image: Image courtesy of Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre

centre:mk has brought people together for quick lunchtime visits and longer afternoons spent with ladies who lunch. You can’t miss the Christmas Eve ‘man dash’ panic buying frenzy when looking across the mall each year and we’ve served guests everything from their first VHS, to DVD and iPhone purchase.

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Images Courtesy of Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre

This was all possible from our ground breaking retailers, that stood the test of time from John Lewis and McDonald’s to Boots and House of Fraser - who were previously known as Dickens & Jones (who remembers that?). The centre has a huge range of shops that has developed over the decades to suit our guests' every need.

Some retailers we said goodbye to and look back on with warm nostalgia; such as the childhood favourite Woolworths - where many would go for a fix of Pic’n’mix, whilst the likes of C&A gave us our wardrobe staples and the Market Hall was the place for a bargain.

centre:mk is as much a place of everyday normality as it is the heart of our city and at 40 years old it’s still bringing many special everyday memories to generations old and new alike.

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Images Courtesy of Living Archive
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