Celebrating 40 Years

Celebrating 40 Years: 40 Years Ago

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40 Years Ago

In a very different world, a female Prime Minister had been in Downing Street for just 5 months, the Queen had been on the throne 27 years, the Ford Cortina was the bestselling car in the UK and ‘Message in a Bottle’ by The Police was number one in the singles chart. 

For 5 years a new city of glass and steel, grid squares and roundabouts, parks and trees was evolving. With a fledgling population of just 85,000, more and more houses had begun to emerge from what was once just Buckinghamshire farmland.


At the heart of this bold new city was a high street; a high street with a roof, named simply ‘The Shopping Building’. Audacious, visionary and unlike anything the UK had seen before, a building with more glass than wall, a line-up of stores previously unseen outside of Britain's major cities and the only place in the UK where you could buy a McDonald's hamburger outside of London.

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Images Courtesy of Living Archive

40 years on and this shopping centre was renamed ‘centre:mk’, highlighting its prime location, with over 190 shops and restaurants to entertain a diverse mix of guests.

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© Milton Keynes Development Corporation, Crown Copyright. Issued under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Image courtesy of Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre
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